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Changing Motors from IEC2 to IEC3, or IEC 4, does it Pay Back?

Changing Motors from IEC2 to IEC3, or IEC 4, does it Pay Back?

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

It is a valid strategy, but Electrical Preventative is far more rewarding.

Approximately 50% of Global Electrical Supply is consumed in Electric Motors systems.

In nearly every business Electric Motors are the NUMBER ONE asset class on your Electric Bill.

In this example 45 kW Motor the difference between:

IEC 2 to IEC3       <2%

IEC 2 to IEC 4        4%

Motor Systems nearly half of Global Electrical Energy

IEC 2 to IEC 3, IEC 4 Change

45kW 60% Annual Duty @ 0.2 pence per kWhr (0.23 Euro) at Rated Current 47,304 GBP P.a.

A 2% improvement is 946 GBP per Annum for IEC3. Replacement Cost 1956 GBP

A 4 % improvement is 1892 GBP per Annum for IEC 4. Not Available

The labour, Delivery cost is likely to be approximately 500 GBP

Return on Investment IEC 2 to IEC 3 (1956 + 500)/946 2.6 Years Basic Payback

Note: Not All NEW motors will meet these Efficiencies, the Phase Balance Test shows significant variation in quality even with major brands.

The Risk is replacing a Motor with an elevated Phase Balance may create a Loss.

Alternative Strategy Conduct Electrical Preventative Maintenance

In this example the same 45kW Motor tested with 3% Resistance Imbalance.

The difference between AS FOUND to AS LEFT is 3,563 GBP for Two Hours Work.

The costs for two estimated at 150 GBP (Total Employee Cost) 15 Days Basic Payback

Note: 3Phi Reliability was Coaching the Electrician so the costs may have doubled, but skills transfer greatly increases returns.

This example Gained Significant Reliability Improvement as it would have failed.

22% of Motors Tested by 3Phi Reliability have Resistance Imbalance in this range.

In the example below: The “As Found” measurements were taken, rectifications made and the “As Left” measurements made. The difference 3500 GBP (4,200 USD) in resistance elimination.

The reduction in resistance is used to calculate the gain, combined with an accurate reading of the running current (Amps).

Losses across a connection Watts = I^2R (R is the difference As found As left, I Running Amps)

Better Return on Investment than changing Motors
3Phi Reliability Full Active Member

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Gain Electric Motor Reliability & Return Energy Savings

Most of clients make gains on the every first day of implementation. Best Practice Motor Management has a short Return on Investment, improving Electric Motor Reliability and Energy Savings are immediate.